Press & Media for Burzynski Clinic
Follow the journey of the life of 5 children given a death sentence in the 90’s, only to be given a second chance. This miraculous story heralds a common chance meeting of a person, Dr. Burzynski, who would bring them to common place, finding hope and being Alive 30 years later to tell their story. Dr. S.R. Burzynski served as Principal Investigator in President Nixon’s “War on Cancer” and supervised research at Baylor College of Medicine and M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. ( Burzynski made his original discovery of naturally occurring anticancer chemicals named Antineoplastons (ANP) which could possibly cure cancer. He built his manufacturing plant and the clinic and continued to study ANP in clinical trials. From the perspective of over 36 years of clinical trials there is undisputed evidence that ANP can provide long-term survival of 205 terminal patients diagnosed with 41 brain tumors and 28 other cancers. From multiple-global festival winning documentary director Shawn Welling of “The Messenger (2009)” and “House of Dreams (2007)” to enthusiastic 13 feature films and numerous awards across the nation. Shawn Welling directs the a film that tugs on the heartstrings and opens the mind with a focus on teasing out the story of the crucial role that emotion can play in the advancement of science. The film gives an intimate look at 5 parents quest to save their children. For over 40 years, Dr. Burzynski’s cancer research and patient care has been inspired by the philosophy of the physician Hippocrates: ‘First, do no harm’. Therefore, our approach to treatment is ‘personalized’ in an attempt to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects for each cancer patient. The unclose and personal struggle of these families is both heartfelt and very inspiring as you are taken on a journey of life in the quest to be alive.